DS106 Image 1

These photos represent my places of peace. A few of these photos are in St. Augustine, Florida where I used to go to school. I enjoyed my time in Florida, but it was not my home. However, I did feel at peace on the weekends or on time off when I could explore. The top left photo is my boyfriend looking at the moon while the sun sets. That makes me feel at peace. A picture of a palm leaf is calming to me because it reminds me of all the times I would drive by the beach. The bottom left is a photo of the commons in front of the fireplace. I actually just found that spot today. I sat down and drank my iced coffee this morning and realized how peaceful it was there. The bottom right photo is of the foster dog my boyfriend’s family has right now. He is such a sweet dog, and I wish I could adopt him! All of these pictures bring me happiness and remind me of certain moments and days where I felt relaxed and at peace.

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