Daily Create #tdc3674

I chose this form of an image because I remembered Snapchat has moving stickers which I think is very cool. I also was unable to think of any other way that I could add pictures without having to copy and paste photos from the internet, so I used Snapchat. I figured it was the easiest way for me to make the daily create for today which was to make a post with as many 2’s as possible. If I were to use a Google Doc, I would have to give credit to all of the photos I used. With Snapchat, I was able to give credit to just one media site, Snapchat. I do not really enjoy any other social media apps other than Snapchat. I do not enjoy Instagram because it makes me feel pretty self-conscious. With Snapchat, I do not have to scroll if I do not want to. I can watch short videos other than peoples’ stories, such as the Dodo, Say Yes to the Dress, and crime stories. These are not the most educational programs, but it is a lot more fun than having to scroll through picture after picture of people I may not even know. I think this daily create was a way for me to actually realize how much I dislike many social media platforms solely for the fact that they target peoples’ insecurities instead of showing them things that interest them.


#tdc3674 #Snapchat @eng304cripps
